
“Beholding the Cockroach” (The X-Files Retro Review, Studies in the Fantastic)
Only Connecting in Pacific Ocean City” (Post45 Contemporaries)
Another Nature Speaks to the Camera: Natural History and Film Theory” (Modernism/Modernity PrintPlus)
Notes on Vermin (University of Michigan Press)
Reading Modernism in the Sixth Extinction,” coauthored with Rachel Murray (Modernism/Modernity PrintPlus)
Well, Has a Single Good Author Ever Owned a Dog?” (Slate)
Animal Subjects: Literature, Zoology, and British Modernism (Cambridge University Press)
Earthworm Magic” (Victorian Review blog)
Russian Doll – Ariadne” (Directed by Women #Crucial21DbW)
Cats, Lost and Found” (Genealogies of Modernity)
A Manifesto for the World as One Finds It” (Public Books)
Immigrant Birds” (The Rambling)